Friday, February 13, 2009

Arizona Republicans Vote Against Funding For -- You Guessed It -- Elderly Abuse Prevention

When the voters don't want you in Congress any more, I guess you decide turnabout is fair play. Or something.
The House took up H.R. 448, the Elder Abuse Protection Act, which would establish specialized elder abuse prosecution and research programs to aid victims, and would provide training to prosecutors and other law enforcement personnel related to elder abuse prevention and protection, and establish programs to provide for emergency crisis response teams to combat elder abuse. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), passed on a 397-25 vote. [roll call 62] All members of the Nevada Congressional delegation voted in favor the measure. Our neighbors to the south may be interested to know that Congressman Flake (R-AZ) and Congressman Franks (R-AZ) were among the lonely 25 voting in opposition.

I'd suggest you call or write these men, but honestly, do you want to hear their reasons?


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